Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Motif #7

This oak leaf and acorn came from Tatting Turns Over a New Leaf by Karey Solomon. Seed beads were added to give the illusion of dew drops on the leaf. I made an extra long stem and attached an acorn for a bookmark. It is now living with a friend who collects oak leaves and acorns.

[Edited to replace the photo with a better one. Much better one. ]


IsDihara said...

Fantastic job! Love it, love it! Wish I could make one, but I don't have that book...must add it to my wish list.

Unknown said...

What a fabulous job you did! I ♥ the cute little acorn you added to the oak leaf! I love this oak leaf pattern!

victats@gmail.com said...

I have that book but haven't done any patterns yet. I was thinking of adding beads to make it look frosted. I love the way yours turned out. I'm going to copy your idea!